I am basically a smith whore. But it extends to other firearms of all kinds.
I looked at the lcr's when they first came out and kind of sniffed. But i have to say DeFlave is right about that trigger. It is a long takeup by intent, but it is smooth. Semiauto's are not for everybody, particularly if hand strength is an issue, concealibility and so on. Now I happen to pack around mostly a glock33 for which i have a 9mm, .357sig, and .40 after market kkm barrel. And it can use those extended mags. Would never work for the girl child or my wife simply cause of hand strength.
And i am pretty convinced that 38special+p's in the realm of some of the current bullets available, are much different than the ol lead round nose 38. And i don't really see the atvantage of a .357 in that size gun per se. I pulled out my ol model 19 two inch, and as much as i like those smiths, for a carry revolver that lcr is heads up a better choice.
There are few problem areas to contend with too. A session at the dinner table with the girl child covered the few things that could make a revolver act up, lint not being one of them.