I'm in the middle of choosing colors for a house, and man it's tough. The worst part is you won't know what the colors will look like until its too late. Sherwin Williams does have an app where you can take a picture of the paint on a house and it is supposed to match it, not sure how well that works but it would be worth asking the owner of the house which color you like if you can take some pics of the colors to get a color match, then run it through the SW app and see if they paint your painter used is the same or close to the match.

We've looked at a lot of houses lately to see what colors we like, and I doubt we've liked 10% of the color schemes we've seen. Personally I think the colors on your house look good, but it doesn't matter what someone else thinks of the color scheme if you're not happy with it.

If you're the type of person who will never be able to enjoy the house until it's the color you want, then try and work out a deal with the painter for him to repaint it the color you want, or find a painter who will paint it the color you want.

Personally I figure life is to short to get bent out of shape about things like that which is where I'm at with choosing the colors for our house. Ultimately if I don't like them I'll just repaint it in a few years. In fact if it was my house I'd simply repaint it myself, that way I would have full control over the colors, and I'd be able to do it for a fraction of what a painter charges.