You know Raisuli, SS or whatever other names you've posted with here, you sure have a pair of faux brass balls. I say fake, because anybody can be brave and insulting behind the safety of a computer screen (including myself). You've come here, under several aliases, hurling insults right and left and anybody who disagrees with your bullshit, then you have the balls (faux) to tell many of us that it is US who applies the "Rules Of Radicals".
At least some of us readily admit to hurling insults and ridicule (it's fun picking on idiots like you, TRH and the rest of the kooks here), then when posts festooned with FACTS, you slink away ignoring them.

I post here under my real name, just about everyone knows what I do (or did) where I live etc, in short, I have nothing to hide. You on the other hand, hide under myriad login names, spew your bigotry, then have the balls (faux) to tell us you've never posted a shred of hate and accuse many of us of being in the employ of jews and zionists. You're one big, POS dishonest bigot and arguably, you're the LAST guy, I'm interested in impressing with my less than an ordinary life.

A good principle to guide me through life: “This is all I have come to expect, standard lackluster performance. Trust nothing, believe no one and realize it will only get worse…”