Originally Posted by jimmyp
thus Israel supported Hamas as a counterpoint to the PLO and by doing so made a mistake, a strategy gone wrong.

Fascism which you ascribe to was another theory/strategy gone wrong as well, yet you cling to it with relish, your no better than those that you hate.

This is nothing more than rationalizing bad behavior. You admit that Israel created Hamas, but then attempt a lame rationale.

Fascism always arises from the left. I'm so far the other way that Reagan would have had to look over his right shoulder to see me.

You, 5'er, are a feigned neocon. You're really a Feinstein, Boxer, Shumer, Reed, Pelosi liberal. Your colors ain't too hard to discern.

�If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.�
***US President James Madison***