Did Israel assassinate President Kennedy? I don't know. And neither does anyone here, not even Rules for Radicals jorge Alinsky.

I do work out with a very wealthly Southern European immigrant who is living large in retirement. He's not too shy of 80. He's certain that Israel murdered JFK because JFK refused to allow Israel to have nuclear weapons. Is he wrong. Is jorge Alinsky, the traitor, right. Who knows? I know that I don't know. However, I can discern a clear motive. LBJ did turn a blind eye to Israel's nuclear program. I wonder what he was paid?

There are plenty of books on the topic, not than any of you traitors would dare to admit that either your traitors or the BS you've bought in to all of your lives is just tha, propaganda BS.

Here's one that might expand your minds assuming it's possible.

Lemme ask you Alinsky acolytes a question: if Israel did in fact murder JFK because he feared Israel with nukes, would loyalties remain with Israel in detriment to the USA?

�If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.�
***US President James Madison***