Somebody just donated $10 and posted this as the message:

Michael Brown
6 mins ago
This officer shot a unarmed man six times and you are supporting this? How can this be justified, I would really like to know? The information provided at present this officer should be facing manslaughter charges instead of support by anonymous supporters who are afraid to reveal there identities because they know they are some RACIST clowns. Be open with your racism, I am a black male and would respect you more if you showed your true colors so I don't have to play games to find out what you are about. The guy was unarmed and he shot him six times with his hands raised in the air, I come from a family of law enforcement and this is not justifiable nor anything that I can support. I don't know officer Darren Wilson so I can't say he is a racist, I believe he lacked the proper trainging to be patroling a predominately black area and his first line of defense was to use his gun, because he lacked the proper training skills and methods to patrol that district properly. I am glad this was not a family member of mine because I would use every resource available to me and make it a life commitment to haunt the wilson family for as long as I lived. So you red-neck, supports release your inner KKK

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

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