Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by WyColoCowboy
I kicked in $20. Do as your heart guides...

So before any investigation is complete, you're cool with this shooting as is? Now you're taking the word of the very media you say you don't trust. I wonder if you would do that if it was a white guy who was shot by a black officer.

Really this whole thing has spun completely sideways and people are losing their minds on this. LET THE INVESTIGATION go, it will work.

Either the shooting was justified, or it wasn't; it's just as simple as that. All the hubub didn't change the Rodney King verdict, it didn't change the OJ verdict, it didn't change the Zimmerman verdict...in every case, the EVIDENCE prevailed.

I can't think of many things that are a bigger waste of time than speculating on this incident BEFORE the completion of the investigation.
The "OJ verdict" Really, Gungeek. You are out of touch with reality.-Mike

A PHD Won't help you if you don't know what the hell you are talking about.