It's worth the money.

Was also very impressed with how they showed the ricochets and the reality of marksmanship.

Interesting too how some of the commerical reviewers out there belittle the movie for its depiction of the SS in the last days of the war hanging German civilians and whatnot, claiming gross exaggeration. Heck, there were Polezei and SS fanatics doing EXACTLY that, to German soldiers and civilians alike.

OTOH, it was very fortunate for the fictional tank crew of "Fury" that the very last Jerries they run into in the movie were apparently from a little-known SS "Retard" division grin

A pity, since the earlier combats were so well done.

I'm sorta reminded of the mess they made of the movie "Lone Survivor".

IMHO both "Blackhawk Down" and "Saving Private Ryan" have set the standard for realistic depiction of combat thus far, or so says I who has never actually SEEN combat....

I will say though that the unexpected act of mercy at the end of Fury was a nice touch cool


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744