local dirt

Yes there was a lot of that going around, crew added extra field armor.
Some really ingenious ones too.
I recall hearing bout one crew that got a flat plate welded on. It was like a 3 or 4" pocket across the glacis. They then poured it full of concrete! LOL

I think that one was a fail.

But extra steel or etc. if it was not actual armor plate would have little effect except maybe as a morale booster.
A AP round would hardly notice it.
But that certainly did not deter the crews.

Running/fighting tanks in enemy held towns or cities is really dangerous work alright!
Especially with little or no accompanying infantry.

Hats off to those men like your Dad they got dealt some tough hands but carried them out to the best of their abilities and got the job done.

Last edited by Huntsman; 11/02/14.