Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by 4ager
Are there any peer-reviewed, scientifically-valid studies on vaccines and the maladies that you allege? Can you provide proof and evidence to support your position?
I don't think even DocRocket will deny it. Ask him.

Of course there is evidence in the medical literature of adverse reactions to vaccines.

However, as I said before, and reiterated... I now re-reiterate:

Originally Posted by DocRocket
... the overwhelming consensus of medical doctors & researchers, public health authorities and Infectious Diseases specialists is that the high rate of influenza vaccination over the past 20 years has been a true success and has saved lives and has done so with exemplary safety.

The overwhelming consensus is that the good done by influenza vaccine so overwhelmingly outweighs its infinitesimally small risks that to not use it would be criminal.

Not that this distinction will penetrate TRH's idee fixe regarding immunization.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars