Originally Posted by hatari
This conversation would be much more meaningful if I had with your father, who is an MD, than with you, who has no Medical training that I am aware of. Can I assume that he is virulently anti vaccine as you are?

I reject your characterization, but no, my dad's a big advocate for vaccinations. He has, however, come around on multiple issues I've had with him over the years. For example, he was convinced I was from Mars on the issue of the proper diet for cardiac health over the past twenty years (Getting butter or eggs in my home was a real hassle growing up, as he was strictly a margarine and Eggbeaters man, being an orthodox physician). Now, in his retirement, he's been forced to admit that the science has proven my position right, and that of orthodox medicine to have been wrong. Another example: For about fifteen years I've been warning him and my mom about NutraSweet, providing them with the details as to why it's not safe, and how it was approved based on political considerations rather than scientific. He always poo-pooed it, insisting that the literature doesn't support my position, and on he and she went guzzling down their coffee sweetened with NutraSweet (Equal). Recently he approached me and said, "You know, it turns out you were correct on NutraSweet all these years, and then he went into all the reasons, matching up exactly with what I'd been telling him all along. So, even an orthodox medical practitioner can eventually come around.