Originally Posted by Derby_Dude

The Republicans here in Montana are trying to close the Republican primary to registered Republicans only which I favor. If this comes about I'll have to register as a Republican.

I grew up in NY and it was like that there. I hated it. The party doesn't have to try to pull votes from other parties that way. It gives them too much power and no checks.

Then again, I'm not happy with ballot laws here in Alabama.

If a candidate runs as a democract or republican they need 5000 signatures to be on the ballot. If they run in any other party they need 45,000 signatures.

I think part of our problem is that the two dominant parties are just too powerful. They are out of touch because they can be.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.