Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
No offense Tim, but you're a pagan and not among the evangelical people. I am. Evangelicals fear too much federal power in anything. We know that if we give the feds the authority to define marriage our way, we also give them the authority to define it another way. We're not dumb.

Would we like to see everybody embrace family values as we have them? Of course! But we know that using the federal government to force that is a double edged sword.

You are the exception not the rule. Believe me, most politically active evangelicals WANT federal legislation on social issues.

The federal Defense of Marriage Act was NOT a pagan, libertarian, or liberal legislation. The legislation came from the evangelicals.

BTW: Being a Pagan has nothing to do with it. I sat on the Republican County Central Committee and I dealt with the political evangelicals and we had little in common.

Tim, have you read DOMA?

It was a State's Rights bill to do exactly what I said. It was to allow State's to define marriage and prevent the federal government from doing that.

This is exactly what I mean. You are on the outside looking in and wrong.

Evangelicals have always been states rights people.

Lets assume I am than you evangelicals have got to do a better job of marketing your brand. That's not the marketing message I'm getting.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude