I guess the whole point of this discussion is

can the GOP win with its current configuration?

some people will give you a resounding yes pointing to just a couple of percentage point changes in one state or another and Obama wouldn't have won his second term, or maybe they'll take solace in the GOP winning the mid terms

I just happen to believe that the GOP will not win the white house because there are too many people out there that will vote against a GOP platform until a GOP candidate specifically spells out they aren't going to push morality or cut social programs.

Now some folks may say "what's the point of being a republican then" and there is some truth to that but I don't see a path to the white house for a republican unless that changes.

Some people dog the libertarians for supporting a guy they know will lose based on priciple, and to be honest, I don't see much difference in the republicans at this point.

5% points or 45% points - a loss is still a loss.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings