They voted black more than voting woman.
I'm sure we all have seen the recent video's showing black men telling their peers what horrendous damage the democrat party has done to their race.

Of course, the facts of this destruction are irrefutable and clearly detailed.

I've seldom seen such presentations and it appears they are getting more prolific.

Should these truthful declarations get traction, it could change the shape of politics in this country, and the climate in this country, for a long time.

I know it may seem like a long shot to many, but I wonder. Truth is a powerful thing and can be used as a powerful weapon in the right hands. For this truth and theses circumstances, those hands have to be Black.

Everyone understands there is an unsettling malaise in this country of apprehension due to racial hatred and fear. Also, a huge concern for many regarding the way politics are playing out. Both have contributed to growing polarization and people talking past each other, rather than to each other to air differences, gain understanding, and achieve resolution.

I also believe it's clear that the current administration has no intention to resolve these problems, but chooses to exacerbate them for their own purposes and gains. They would be better served, in their demented minds, by a revolution than a solution.

So I would rather concern myself with what the GOP would look like with more, many more, groups identifying with it than being cast out from it, and what it will take to make that happen.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.