generally ive got enough stuff around to get through a major winter storm or point in me preparing for more cause the shelf life of a very vital med i need is quite short....chit hits the fan, society dies and im long dead before things get real bad anyways.....not worth loosing sleep over.....massive snows that strand us on our own for awhile however are quite possible and for those in outlying areas around me, some not that far from town it has happened to quite recently....we only have climatic records for here for lil more than a century....had a record shattering total winter snow accumulation just a few years clue if thats a once a century thing once every 500 years or if this was an odd dry century and we havent seen what really happens here....

i care bout blizzrds and similar and not much else....

A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books