Originally Posted by ltppowell
I'm pretty sure the only thing that prepares a person for SHTF is previously surviving a lot of S.

Originally Posted by jorgeI
All of us who live in urban areas are [bleep]. We have a great place in the mountains of central PA, but no way to get there..

All of my brothers-in-law live in cities and have no outdoor background. One BIL got stuck working in a hospital with no power, in a flooded area, for a week after Hurriocane Katrina because the authorities thought it had been evacuated. He learned how to improvise. I explained to him that something as simple as an LED mini-mag flashlight with a couple extra batteries in his bag could have given him light for the duration of the adventure. He learned a LOT from his experience.

A couple of years ago I gave the BILs a copy of �When All He11 Breaks Loose� by Cody Lundin. One of the wives, who lives in Chicago, was not impressed. I asked her what she would do if the power grid went down for a couple of weeks. She thought for a few seconds and said �Go to a Hotel????�

"Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln