One may or may not be able to amass the supplies, but my thinking is that mindset is much more important. These guys give a good representation:

Originally Posted by Steve Timm's Blog
There was one distinct problem. It was now almost dark and there was no way we were going to slip and slide our way down to Snake River at that time of day. If necessary, we�d descend the 4,000 vertical feet of icy hillside the next morning. Like it or not, we were going to have to spend the night out in the wilderness.

The wind was such that we were getting pretty cold, so we walked over to the far side of the ridge and dropped off the top. After we�d climbed down a short distance, I found precisely what I wanted; a nice protective rim rock and a rather large hackberry tree.

The rim would keep the wind off of us and it would reflect both the heat and the light of our fire. Even more important, the hackberry tree would provide us with wood that burns hot and long, even when it�s green.

We did an inventory of our packs and we had all we needed to survive the night. Heck, we�d even eat like royalty because I had the elk�s heart and liver in my pack. It was going to be a cold and very long night, but we�d live to see the morrow and we�d be fine.

Whether it be for one night, for for several months, knowing that you'll make it through is an awfully big part of it actually happening.


"Every day is a holiday, and every meal is a banquet."

- Mrs. FC