Seems to me that in most areas game like deer and such will take a huge hit quickly. And even more so if no one has refrigeration or preservation skills.

A gill net or box fish trap will likely be more useful.

How good is your well? - What would it take for you to put a well with a hand pump down? LINK

Even in many cities, folk are now keeping a small hen house.
If you live rurally, laying hens are the easiest and surest source of meat protein available. Quiet, unobtrusive, cheep... grin

How much room do you have to store dried staples like beans and rice? How much do you have on hand?

What are your gardening skills and how much garden do you maintain?

Have you any experience or means to can food? The set-up is relatively inexpensive, but experience is priceless.

How well do you know your neighbors? Are their core beliefs and values similar to yours?

"Chances Will Be Taken"