
It's great that you can do multiple extended African hunts and bring all the trophies home. You must have a large trophy room. But most folks are not able to do that. Those of us that can't may need to use other approaches if we want to do a number of African hunts.

I brought home a number of trophies (all European mounts) on the one hunt I did in Zimbabwe and it was a great experience. But like many others I don't have lots of space for trophies. I love the African experience and if I go again I probably won't bring home many trophies. The most valuable things from my trips in Africa (I've done others where I didn't hunt but was out in the bush) are the memories of the experience.

For me, having mounts on the wall is far less meaningful than my memories of the details of the hunts. That may be true for you as well. In any case, I think your view is pretty narrow. I would personally feel bad if the animals hunted were not eaten by someone and of course that always happens in protein-poor Africa. But beyond that, I think it's up to each person to decide how they want to approach their hunt.

I've done lots of deer and elk hunts and don't have many trophies from them. But that doesn't mean that I don't remember and value those hunts. When I ate the meat I would often think about the the animal that provided it. I don't think those animals were devalued any more than I think an African animal that was taken and not mounted is devalued.

Of course this is all just my opinion. I hope you continue to enjoy your African hunts.