Originally Posted by 4th_point
Originally Posted by 1Deernut
Your name calling and rhetoric is getting old. Why not just STFU and let it go.

Don't be such a cry baby. Who started the name calling, accusations, and assumptions? Mrs. Oldelkhunter! We're just having some fun.

Oldelkhunter asked for info on Tikka shrouds getting blown off, and I provided the links. But rather than discuss them, or rifle "design" the subject got changed or dismissed. She even stated that I was the gunsmith sponsor at the Alaska forums bad mouthing Tikkas. WTF?!

Defend your hero as you wish. But when someone does hit-n-run with name calling, avoidance, and accusations I'm not going to "STFU" because you don't like it.


So now you attack me for suggesting you do what you should have already had the sense to do, if you were even half as smart as you seem to think you are. Guess you are wrong. Really not very smart. Give it your best and don't let me get under your skin while you do. At least you can spread the name calling around and give someone else a break while you gain more respect and integrity... Congratulations?


Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson