Originally Posted by mathman
Yep, things do change with time.

Anyone with enough room on their credit card can go down to most any Japanese motorcycle dealership and buy a bike off the showroom floor that will smoke the bikes King Kenny Roberts used to win F1 championships forty years ago.

...and still ride nowhere near as well as he did.

I need all the help I can get because'm not a Wimbeldon Cup shooter and see no reason why I wouldn't avail myself of the help. If I really wanted to be consistent with that line of "reasoning" I wouldn't stop where Swifty does, however, I'd go to the loin clothe & spear...

And yes, I fling ping pong balls from my AR at lesser distances, so no aversion to slow twist just different applications for different situations. Anyone can do things any way they want; whatever works.

The arrogant condescension is what gets me.