Holy Fhuqking Dog Schit...KchuntFest 2015 is gawddamned EPIC! Laffin'!

What a treat to have THE All Star cast of Do Nothing Dumbfhuqks(Shefire,NotSoSwift,SuperKchunt,260,yada,yada)weigh in and laude all the things they nearly did,the wares they nearly did it with and all the places they nearly did 'em. Laffin'!

Though in fairness,they were able to muster a coupla plagiarized pics stolen offa the 'Net,as a Trump Card of their collective "knowledge","experience" and "results". It remains a fascinating constant,that them who do the least,reliably fhuqking Whine the most and The Axis Of Imagination is on fhuqking fire,complete with Secret Squirrel PM's and the WHOLE enchilada! Laffin'! Funnier than fhuqk to boot,that all of 'em trumpeted Imaginary Pretend Ignore,yet hang like maggots on my every fhuqking word. Re-laffin'!

Though I digress...

The Lion quit roaring,as the 30mm 4.5-14x M1 40mm LR took a schit early yesterday morning on the 2nd 75A-Max poke,at the 900yd line. 1st launch was in the money,the 2nd 10-FEET out and then it went downhill from there(literally). Was lucky enough to have two pards in tow and it'll spare them some loot(not like I haven't [bleep] the 4.5-14x in ALL forms for years and it's no "secret" that they are dismal as a best case scenario).

Anywhoo,I flogged on the Reloading Press last night and a right proper 6x MQ will go back in the saddle,all of which grants opportunity to shoot more than a smidge today. I realize that such realities are blasphemous to The Do Nothing Gang...but I'll gun some frames,so The Paper Hat Brigade can add more pixels to "their" albums. Laffin'!

Never been tough to cypher who shoots and who don't,but "luckily" Imagination and Pretend are free,so everyone can "contribute". l'll add some more fuel to Imaginations,if only to bolster Pretend and cite 1000 words on the RAR S/S 223 Compact as it's germane to the crux.

Just sayin'.

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Mebbe just one more,beings they are all hurting so bad for pixels. Laffin'!

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You know what would knock this fhuqking hilarious schit outta The Park?!? A group photo of The Do Nothing Gang...if only to rightly pay tribute to THE World Record for crossed-eyes.

I'm cryin',I'm laffin' soooooooooooooo fhuqking hard!!!

Wow +P++!

Only fair to mention,to them who actually do shoot something other than their mouths and Imaginations,that the Plywood Lion approach has no equal...whether RF or CF.

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You've been led to water and I'm hoping noone drinks.

GOOD talk.


(Adendum: for THE Whining Kchunt)


My bad,as I'd forgotten about your preoccupation with Sister's nails and your fascination with color(s).

Here...lemme yet again fuel your Imagination,if only to bolster your Pretend.

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Bonus Round for you here...colors AND words! woot!

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Prolly a 68 BTHP. Hint.

Just sayin'.

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More Nail Fadcination for you.


To prevent Sensory Overload of your preoccupation(s). Laffin'!


Be sure to prattle on with your Delusional "Adventures" and your never ending Vagina Monologue's accounting of your incredibly wellfounded insecurities.

P.S. and by the way...do NOT let the FACT that you are a lying piece of fhuqking schit(Imaginary Pretend Ignore),keep you from Whining even more.

You Clueless Kchunts are a fhuqking RIOT!

As per always,salt the pics away and tell others that you "could too".


Woot...the Lion roars again and I KNEW better than to not Fix Fhuqk it for the duration,but R&D is more than half the fun.

In HDR,for them fantasizing other's nails and visualizing them in the tub.



(Jeezus Fhuqking Gawd...yet another adddendum...for yet another Whining Kchunt)


You are THE Clueless Fhuqk forever PM'ing me for the straight scoop and ain't it an intellesting tidbit,that you went from Imaginary Pretend Ignore,to sucking my ass for intel?!? Laffin'!

It's more than a leetle poignant,when even somebody as fhuqking STUPID as you,knows who do and who don't shoot. Read that again,now one more time. Pardon my being afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess,while the rest of you Drooling Dumbfhuqks are guessing as BEST case scenarios. Hint.

Rest assured...I've the shoulders to happily be whatever you NEED me to be,to satiate your sad realities and Do Nothing Dumbfhuqkedness. You just be certain to keep Imagining and Pretending aloud. Laffin'!

You might consider (4) Midol and 500cc's of Vagisil in your usual locations,if only to getcha' over the time of month.

Still would love to see a pic of you Stupid Fhuqkers,if only as a means of quantifying that which has lonnnnnngggggggggggg been obvious.


More fingernails to fret,for you "hard chargers". The RSS looks like it'll rock and is thus far,a literal fhuqking rock...though as with everything else,only time will tell how it handles obscene round count,topography and weather.


Film at 11:00,as you Stupid Fhuqks ride the couch and try to convince eachother,that Nothingness is fashionably now "Something".


Keep flogging that couch.

Wow +P++!