First off David Pedersolli is not trying to tell Americans how to run our muzzleloader seasons, Toby Bridges is. And with sleazy left wing legal tactics no less. Get between Mr. Bridges and the profits he makes from pimping for modern muzzleloading industrial complex, and things sure due get ugly. Mr. Bridges wants to have it both way's, a special season set asside, and no limitations on what can be used, other than it has to load from the muzzle.
While I have not hunted with a muzzleloader for some time I have seen the same degradation of our archery season. And the archery manufacurers get just as snotty, when any limitations are put on them.
Modern muzzleloader were developed as a scam to meet the legal requirements states impose, and bypass the principal reason for the hunts to exist in the first place.
Anyone who cares about protecting our primative weapons seasons, won't give an inch to whores like Toby Bridges, and the companies he shills for. Today it's scopes, and smokles powder during muzzlesoader season, and tomorow they will scream just as load when there next attempt to degrade the integrity of our hunting season's meet opposition.