Originally Posted by KFWA
I'm trying to come to grips with the Muslim mentality as well

I was thinking this morning - what religion has people believing they should blow themselves up taking out as many people as possible in the process

and I'm trying to differentiate that from peaceful Muslims who believe that Muslims cannot kill innocents.

But then I think about Christianity - and blowing up abortion clinics , killing abortion doctors, protesting at funerals of soldiers - and no one within Christianity (or outside for the most part) believes that all of Christianity should be lumped in with these extremists.

That said, it makes no sense whatsoever to increase your chances of a domestic terrorist attack by allowing thousands of muslims who really have no desire to assimilate and are only escaping war to relocate in your country.
Just look at how many Christians do things like this as compared to how many so-called "radicalized" Muslims there are and there is your answer.

I think the Westies are total kooks, but they are not harming anybody, just being assclowns. You don't see folks at a Chiefs game giving a standing ovation to the people who blew up a clinic either.