Originally Posted by KFWA
I don't really want to get into a debate on the bible versus the Koran

I think its safe to say that in both cases, the extremists distort the word of their holy book to fit their agenda.

I'm just trying to resist the urge to lump all Muslims into the same class of people and see them all as a threat.

Its an urge that I have to fight every time I see this sort of thing (Alla Ahkbar) happening in the world
It's not. Jesus is the leader of Christendom and He died for your sins, He didn't blow up a rock concert. Mohammed was a criminal in any country in the world. Pedophile, rapist, murderer and thief. Christians are not perfect but in most mainstream Christian churches across the country, forgiveness of enemies is preached every time the doors are open. In the mosques across the world, Jihad is preached. Christians try to convince you to open your heart and repent. Moslems demand you convert or die. There is a huge difference and you don't even have to crack the cover on a Bible to see it, just open your eyes.