Originally Posted by taylorce1
Originally Posted by Whttail_in_MT
SAS posted this in another thread recently. Not to put words in his mouth, but I don't take it to be encouraging on their availability.

Originally Posted by shortactionsmoker
As far as the mag mods go, the shop doesn't own the machine -- I do. The ram has been stuck in the mold since I got it and it doesn't work...period.

SAS would be better off getting a professional molder to make these mag modifications. However after talking to a guy I know in the injection molding businesses, there aren't enough pre-orders to come anywhere close to paying for start-up costs. Right now with the guys asking for it, you'd have to probably pre-order at $100 a magazine.

And you're 100% right! I've spoken with a couple of guys and the cost is astronomical. Not to mention the fact that the mold isn't 100% right and each extension has to be fitted and filed to work properly.

The ram is still stuck.....they'll be no extensions from me any time soon. Anybody want to buy the damn thing????

I enjoy handguns and I really like shotguns,...but I love rifles!