
She ain't got a prayer. After the first debate, Trump will open a considerable lead that the uncharged felon will never close. The uncharged felon ain't in Trump's intellectual league.

I haven't been this optimistic since Reagan. Even better, I believe Trump will become a better president than was Reagan. Trump's a man's man. He's no Romney sissy, which is what media expected.

Khan attacked him. Trump defended himself. The comment about the old subservient lady was apropos. The uncharged felon claims to be a defender of women's rights. Well, Trump exposed that hypocrisy by pointing out that Khan's wife was forbidden to speak. We'll see how it plays out in the debates. I'm going with Trump forcing her to defend her position. Trump will win that round.

What might destroy her slight hope of winning is that Old Man Khan used the death of his son for political purposes. In fact, Khan destroyed the image of his son, not Trump. Trump merely exposed just how scummy Harvard educated lawyer Khan was. Adding a ton of Morton to that severe wound is that that dirtbag made money off of his speech about his dead son. That's about as scummy as a dirtbag can become: making money at a political event off of his dead son.

We'll see how Trump works the uncharged felon with that.

Hawkeye, I know you as an authentic conservative who has had to parry attacks from the 'fires neocons, and there are many. Unlike '12, we're controlling the gig & the 'fires neocons in America's fifth column can't stand it. You continue with your conservative posts and I'll have your back. Come high noon on 20Jan17, we'll cyberbrate (cyber celebrate) the swearing in of Donald J. Trump as 45th President of the United States of America. It'll be sweeter because they ain't nothin' liberals and neocons of America's fifth column can do to deny the will of We, the People. We've wanted an authentic conservative president, and come 08Nov16, we're gonna elect one.

Stay Trump Strong!

Make America Great Again!