Agree. I believe regardless of who is elected that the economy will collapse or come close to collapsing in the next 8-10 years. Clinton will hasten an economic disaster. I live in liberal Northern Virginia & have friends & relatives in Maryland & DC. Support for Clinton is overwhelming. Even friends in Richmond that detest Clinton are so turned off by Trump that they are not voting. We are finally retiring & moving to our lake cottage in rural North Carolina. Even there many that normally vote Republican are staying home. I believe NC will go for Trump(narrowly) Virginia will be overwhelming for Clinton. Popular vote may be reasonably close, but in the Electoral College Clinton wins by a landslide. Those contending Trump wins are the same that predicted Obamas defeat. I own all the guns I will ever need & my African & other guided hunts are behind me. I will hunt Deer locally & fish as long as able. At 74 I do fear for my adult children & grandchildren. Life in America has changed & I fear a major social upheaval is coming. Inner cities destroyed & feral humans scavenging for survival in urban & rural areas. If this happens during my lifetime I have about 1200 rounds of loaded ammo, 3000 primers, lots of powder & at least 1000 unfired cases.

Life Members SCI & NRA. NRA Instructor & RSO. What have YOU done to support hunting & gun rights?