Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
I think it's going to be a Trump landslide, too. The United establishment is pulling out all the stops to destroy him, to include Fox News.

It can be if he plays his cards right. Trump can take OH, FL, VA, PA, and WV. NH and IN and NC.

Forget IL, but MI and Wi could even get interesting IF he does it right. The White, Blue Collar Union guys do not like her and won't vote for her. THe AA's will vote for her and the Leftiest Intelligencia (oxymoran if I ever heard one) are all that backs her. She'll get the La Raza vote, but that won't work in Texas, only CA.

IF Trump will focus and attack HER record, he wins.

The guy may be a good businessman but he sure hasn't shown the same political acumen; at least since the convention..

Focus man, focus!