If H-dog wins, the Republican Party will go scorched earth on anyone who looks like a conservative for a long long time. The party elites will consolidate their forces.
Right now the RNC/GOP is working behind the scenes to snuff out any and all conservative candidates around the Country. There is a silent coup' taking place.

True conservatives will have to create their own party - but it won't matter.
Four or eight years of the H-dog will destroy Country for a long long time.

The blame goes to the GOP who betrayed there conservative members.

The victory belongs to the pubic schools who were steadfast in their decades of indoctrination.

WILD CARD - Wikileaks, the FBI on Clinton Cash and the silent voters who do not show up on any polling data.

Last edited by bigwhoop; 08/12/16.

My home is the "sanctuary residence" for my firearms.