The usual cackle of Cruzzies, in chorus with northwestassholia.

The sand in their vaginas must be logic-resistant.

Makes one channel Eddie Murphy:

stdegeorge: Ted Cruz the greatest politician ever lived. Badder then Jeb! Better then Marco. He was better then, who was that new boy?---better than Chris Christie! He shoulda whipped all their asses!

Isaac: What about Donald Trump?

stdegeorge: Dere dey go! Dere dey go! EVERTIME I try to talk about politics, a white man gotta pull Donald Trump outta they ass! That's they one! Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Lemme tell you sumpin. Donald Trump was good, but compared to Ted Cruz, Donald Trump ain't sht!

Isaac: He beat Ted Cruz's ass!

Gunner 500: That's right, he did whip Ted Cruz's ass!

stdegeorge: Ted Cruz ate a booger when they fought!

Gunner 500: I don't know what he ate, but he got his ass whooped!

stdegeorge: Fck you!, Fck you, and Fck you!