The_Real_Hawkeye: I have recently upped the chances of "the hildabeast" becoming our next President to 85%!
I am buying silver dimes, hiding money, hiding formally Second Amendment protected items and looking into "off the grid" power sources for my home and water well.
IF... my wife and I won't need them in our lifetimes (which again sadly I think we will!) then certainly our young adult children will!
This country (sadly!) is heading for self destruction/collapse - both financially and by way of abiding by our laws!
"We" (traditional valued Americans) are going to be targeted like never before - first rights to go will be our Second Amendment Rights and then we will lose currency rights - all "wealth" will be in the form of easily confiscated electronic "money"!
The "non-producers" will be rewarded and the "producers" (traditional valued Americans!) will be bled dry!
You think barrack hussein obama was a communist/socialist, anti-American President he and his regime will pale (play on words there!) in comparison to the power-mad, money mad, pathological lying, anti-American, bull dagger known as "the hildabeast"!
Prepare (again, sadly!) for a schittstorm the likes of which this country has NEVER seen.
Hold into the wind