This combination of features is idiotic. I am surprised to see Lipsey miss the mark like this.

The brake is a hearing liability. There better be a darn good reason for one. Maybe this is more a cosmetic (rambo theme) flash hider and not a ear busting brake. Well, it looks like a honest ear busting brake to me.

The American 450 is a handy 5.5 pound rifle. That is practical deer rifle in special permit states that allow the 450. The brake might help those very recoil sensitive shooters. The 450 is not much of a heavy hitter. I would just guess, it makes a superb deer load and the American should be a fine performer in that role.

The No1 is a whopping 7.5 pounds. Just plain stupid/ignorant beyond belief. What use it this war club and why in the world does it need a brake? it need a light synthetic stock and a thin barrel with a brake OR as a heavy rifle, nice stock and plain barrel. Definitely, a future collectable. That is a purly useless low volume gun that only has appeal to the future collector.