Fischer, the surgical damge to my shoulder was the result of a large 23oz non malignant tumor being removed from the side of my neck, and during the removal of the tumors roots from my spine, all 5 major nerve trunks coming out of my head and into my upper back and spine were cut or torn in 2006. I had wrongy presumed the rampant uncontrollable skin cancer on my face had spread to the side of my neck, becme concerned with losing the big house to medical bills and we sold off the big house in North Dallas and any extras that would not fit in storage and moved to the lake cabin to get ready for the Last Roundup.

The next spring my neighbor talked me into enrolling in the VA ,to claim whatever benfits I had coming , for my wife to use after I was gone...and Dallas VA started cutting on me aggressively for a couple years, 5 major surgeries and lots of little ones for various stuff over the next 11 years. At the VA in Dallas you are a living cadaver for their Dr's to practice their learning curve on.

3 of those operations were sucessful as planned, but 2 of them gave me major permanent damage issues I did not have previously as a result. ..and again sold the lake cabin that was a planned keeper in retirement and moved out of the Dallas VA Service Area to escape their Quality of Services. .

Following the tumor surgeryin Fall '06 My PT Mgr's hour long survey with a muscle stimulatorin Spring '07 resulted in her original diagnosis of my condition as a Life Time Upper Right Quadrant Cripple, that later was changed after the 18 month rehab effort, and having about 75-80% mobility and functional strength when she said she couldn't so anything more for me. Lots of work went into that 18 month effort, with 3 unrelated Pain Dr's sending me 5 different kinds of unlimited quantity's of opiods as I ordered them, but 11 years later at 72 going on 73 the local County VA Service Officer has recently certified me to apply for muliple cause's of DV status from the work done in the 2 failed procedures, that was the final result at Dallas VA Hospital, that left me more damaged than I was before they worked on me. That's where I am today.

Since you are now at about the same age I was at 64 when I started having mutliple surgeries or procedures for different stuff, you will be amazed at how fast you will deteriorate when you get past 70-72. I've lost more mobility and strength in the last 3 years than I have in the last 10-15 years.
Ron .

Last edited by verhoositz; 05/29/17. Reason: clarity

TIME FOR TERM LIMITS !!!! Politicians are just like diapers, they need to be changed often and regularly for the same reason...Robin Williams.