Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by Oheremicus
I don't believe in hitting the same target in the same place more than once is good training.
No doubt Bleu's response to this will be ridicule...this forum gets a bit repetitive.

So I see nothing wrong with that type of training.

If the premise is that firing more than one round into the same place is bad training, then yes....I will definitely ridicule that.

Bill Drills, Blake Drills, the Accelerator....None of the drills I listed have anything to do with training for scenarios with body armor or anything else. They're about gun handling. I'm having a completely different conversation than you and O. I'm not talking about shooting different parts of people, or any parts of people.

But to say that it's "not good training" to shoot something like a Bill Drill because it doesn't involve also shoot the target in the face or dick is absurd.

HAaaaaa lol

Judge, " I can understand why you shot the guy 3 times, but the whole magazine"

Bill Drill teaches continuity, no mental hiccups, and a really good check to see if your gun is working. (personally i like it because it teaches the trigger finger when the disconnector has engaged in a 1911 and when the slack is gone in a glock something very hard with single shots.)

Last edited by Etoh; 06/17/17.

Most people don't have what it takes to get old