Originally Posted by Wildcatter264
Originally Posted by tommyd53
Originally Posted by hookeye
Bulls have to win once in a while.
Got no prob with the ritual, or the outcome....whatever it might be.
Hell, I'll have a steak tomorrow in honor of the bull smile

I don't have a problem, either. That's a Spanish tradition, and I think they are entitled to it. I was just trying to make a laugh, when someone got bent out of shape. I think they know the risks, when they enter the ring. Hard for me to feel bad when the animal wins.

I suspect you're one of those idiots who found it "hard to feel bad," when Ian Gibson was killed by an elephant. I have to agree that you're obviously a classless and clueless character to make a mockery of a bullfight. Don't watch it or support it if you dont like or agree with it.

BTW, feel free to step into the bullring, after the picadores and bullfighters are through 'getting the bull ready' for you. That would be a case that when the bull predictably won, I would admire your courage (or marvel at your foolishness) but might not feel too aflicted.

No need to devalue a human life, even if you disagree with their pursuit. Are you a hunter or a troll commentator?

The only thing that's obvious to me, after reading this whole thread, is that you are a f_ _ _ing retard.