Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by ShadeTree

Wouldn't matter a bit, it's all part of a normal and healthy chicken flock. I'm convinced roosters don't feel they've done their job for the day unless they have something to square off against at least 6-8 times a day. It's as natural as a male dog lifting it's leg to mark a post. 99% of it is just a daily ritual of what is in their DNA.

Agreed. They clearly enjoy it, but the flock of hens don't like more than one rooster afoot. They can handle one, but being constantly sneaked up on and jumped frazzles them.

1 rooster to a maximum of 10 hens, give or take. At that ratio the roosters can keep all the eggs fertilized and the hens are not being harassed any more than normal. As I'm sure you've seen, even with 1 rooster, and 6 to 10 hens, the hens are jumped on regular and often, daily. Again all part of a normal and healthy chicken flock.

One is alone in a land so vast, there is only the mountains, the wind, and the eyes of God.