Originally Posted by GonHuntin
Originally Posted by gophergunner
Yeah, it's quite the process. The rescue agencies have to "vett" you. You fill out an application on line and must meet several criteria. Often they only want the dog going to a house with another dog, and most times, they want the yard to be fenced. We meet neither of these requirements, so we had to look for a dog that didn't require this. Many of the rescue dogs come from closed up puppy mills in the south and west, and have only lived with other dogs. Hence the "other dog" requirement. They will have us meet the dog at it's foster provider, and if that goes well, they will schedule a tour of our house. All members of the household have to be present for that. If that goes well, we most likely will get the dog once we pay the adoption fee.

Most of the rescue operations run this way up here. There's also the possibility that another party looking at the same dog gets her in stead of us. It's a pretty involved process.

Surely I'm not the only one who finds this absolutely ridiculous??

Why all the drama??

Why don't you just find a breeder and go buy a dog??

it's a DOG for crying out loud, it's not like there is a shortage of them!!

Sorry, but all of this "pet adoption" and "pet parent" nonsense is just absolute foolishness and anyone who goes along with it is just enabling the idiots who think animals are just like humans........

What a breath of fresh air. But sorry buddy you simply are over flowing with common sense. And unfortunately aren't in step with the idiots!!!!!! There are places that want our four legged friends to have constitutional rights, and representation in court!!!!!! All the begging for money on their advertisements for donations sickens me, and people with a brain should quit donating!!!!!! When they can waste that much time and money. Common sense should tell anyone with a brain. That the whole operation is nothing but another cash cow trolling for fools!!!!! Let those establishments get azzhole deep in their four legged friends, and let the money dry up. And these azz whipes will sing a different tune. They will either do what they were ment to do, or sell their friends for FOOD!!!!!!!

Take care, Willie

Cry to the heavens and let slip the dogs of war. For they must feed on the bones of tyranny. In order for men to have freedom and liberty.