Smokepole, I never stated that the rescues are HSUS. They aren;t. The ALSO aren't affiliated in ANY way with the local Humane societies.

They are, despite your protestations, far more aligned with HSUS that with the local humane societies. There are several that focus on hunting breeds, but won't sell a dog to a hunting family. I know of Doberman rescues that will not sell a dog for schutzhund work, EVEN IF THE DOG WAS a trained schutzhund before. They'll put a trained protection dog with a family without the skills to handle it, but they won't allow it to go back to do the work it was born to do.

The local humane societies and shelters cope with the real problem and do the real work: deal with abandoned dogs. The majority of rescues (but not all) just add a layer of expense, control and politics that is more detrimental than it does good.

Sic Semper Tyrannis