Originally Posted by Dutch
Smokepole, I never stated that the rescues are HSUS. They aren;t. The ALSO aren't affiliated in ANY way with the local Humane societies.

They are, despite your protestations, far more aligned with HSUS that with the local humane societies.

You paint with a pretty broad brush there Dutch. I'm sure there are many tree-hugging PETA members among them, just as there are many good volunteers who just want to donate their time to a worthy cause.

And although their vetting process may be off-putting, I'm sure it's prevented some people who shouldn't own dogs from getting one. Hell, I see them every day. People who have no idea how to control their dog, so they never let it run and do what dogs do. Or let their dogs run loose to get into stuff they shouldn't and attack other dogs. Or people who think they want a dog, and then are too lazy to ever take it out for exercise.

They probably got their dogs from breeders.

A wise man is frequently humbled.