Originally Posted by navlav8r
When I was 16 or 17 I was rabbit hunting with a bud that is now pretty well known for game calls. He had a 20 gauge and I was shooting a Remington 552 with a Weaver V-6 scope. He had shot a rabbit and stuck the empty shell on a twig of a tree "just because".

As we walked on, I said something about how accurate my rifle was. He said, "I'll bet a Coke you can't hit that shotgun shell".

I said, "well let's see", and from about 75 paces I took aim, and offhand proceeded to knock the shell off the twig. We walked back to find it and I hadn't just hit the shell; the slug had taken out the primer without touching the base. "Any questions?", I asked. laugh

He better would have paid up after that!