Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by kellory
Only bear encounter I've ever had, I went up a tree as quickly and as quietly as I could, and stayed there until I was sure it had no interest in me and had moved on. I was bow hunting, and knew I couldn't out run it.

You do know that black bears can climb trees, don't you?

And grizzlies are better at it than they are given credit for...

I know more about them now, than I knew then. It was a kinda primal thing, monkey returns to the trees. I just got as far out of sight as I could get.

An unemployed Jester, is nobody's Fool.

the only real difference between a good tracker and a bad tracker, is observation. all the same data is present for both. The rest, is understanding what you're seeing.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~