Originally Posted by watch4bear
It may have happened; Hillary was pinned down by sniper fire.

I was cleared of those charges I might add....

Two summers ago when I was in Florida, we went over to one our family friends, cousin's house.

he had an indoor pool.

since I was a veteran, he started talking up his military service after he'd had a few beers..

guess when he throws out military acronyms people don't know what they are but are easily impressed...

He was in ATC, then also was trained and assigned to G2, after that Ranger School, SF and Delta Force, then
was assigned to Seal Team 6....

I couldn't believe it... I was sitting in the pool at the home of the other guy who had shot Osama Bin Laden...

His cousin, who is also a disabled Army Vet... told me that she hoped I didn't believe that BS..

I assured her, as soon as he said he was ATC, and then was assigned to G2 and then SF....it took
a lot of my efforts to not be rude and laugh my ass off...

She asked me did I know what ATC was, she didn't... I told her when I served in a Chopper Unit, it stood for
Always Taking Coffee.. but the Army called it Air Traffic Control...

on top of all of this, G2, SF, Ranger, Delta Force, Seal Team 6....

pretty impressive for a guy who served 4 years and got out of the Air Force as an E 3...Airman First Class...

Claimed he was now working for a big security firm doing highly classified stuff... Caroline told me he was a security
Guard at the local mall...

for the life of me, I don't know what is in these guys head...they gotta be the biggest limpdicks on the planet...

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez