Thank you Vietnam vets for your service.
Most of you were sent somewhere you did not want to go,
to do things you did not want to do.

Your country called, you answered that call and did you job with honor.
Some did not appreciate that, I believe most did.

Not exactly on topic. I worked for a set of twins that served as a scout/sniper team in Vietnam.
They got a waver to bypass the Sullivan Act and served together. I have seen a newspaper article
to confirm this fact. Not every thing that sounds like BS is.

Anyway, those two never really talked about battle, just funny or weird things that hapoened.
The closest they ever came, was a story that started, " we had just been in a firefight" then the funny part.

Last edited by Dillonbuck; 09/20/17.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!