KAYWOODIE - " ... Hell, LBJ got a Silver Star for taking a ride (hiding and crapping himself) in a single bomber run out of Australia in WWII! ..."

Yep, and he put himself in for the Silver Star. Due to his political position, he received it.

If you want to read an interesting book as to just how LBJ ever got into the Navy and appointed an officer -- it was strictly political, having to do with his ass-sucking of Sam Rayburn, F.D. Roosevelt, and several other very powerful D.C. politicians -- pick up a copy of The Years Of Lyndon Johnson, The Path To Power, by Robert A Caro, Alfred A. Knopf Publs., © 1982.

When we entered WW II after Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japs, Johnson had himself appointed as a Lt. Commander, US Navy Reserves and later secured a very cushy and safe job in Australia. Being on the plane was the only time he ever was in any kind of "combat" area and he was never shot at. He awarded himself the Silver Star for that flight, in which he did nothing but shake with fear.



"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)