Originally Posted by BWalker
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by BWalker

I use them because I want to use lead free bullets due to fear of exposing my kids to lead.

Originally Posted by Sakoluvr
BWalker, I am wondering if indeed there is a lead risk with the NBT. Can't see that being an issue since all the lead is encapsulated in the jacket and no exposed tip.

Not to be snarky, but if you fear this then you don't understand the chemistry behind it. Elemental lead like that in bullets isn't a problem, it's not going to harm your kid. The danger is in lead salts which can enter the body. Think of Sodium and Chlorine, the two elements in common salt. Add table salt to water and it's just salt water, throw elemental sodium into water and you get a violent reaction. Pure chlorine is deadly, bonded with sodium it's just table salt. In much the same way lead salts like the compounds used as drying agents in paints years ago can be harmful, but their chemical properties are totally different from elemental lead.

Some, like the state of California which has a warning for everything, will make claims that breathing minute amounts of elemental lead will harm you. It's BS, but it scares people so it gets a reaction which is what they want. Bullets containing lead aren't going to harm your kids unless shot with them, that's the bottom line. I'm a fan of Barnes TTSX and LRX bullets but it's not because they don't contain lead.

This is completely false.
What do you suppose happens when elemental lead is exposed to hydro chloric acid in your gut?

Very little, the lead moves through your gut quickly enough that there's little interaction. The smaller the piece the more reaction and lead dust poses more of a hazard. People have been eating game killed with lead shot for centuries without negative effects. Lead shot was outlawed for duck hunting because of the danger to birds ingesting lead is greater than to humans, birds have a gizzard which grinds up the lead shot making them much more susceptible to lead poisoning.

Is the risk zero from ingesting lead? No. Is it miniscule? Yes. If you're the type that demands your kids live in a bubble and only eat organic vegetables fertilized by the poop of virgin heifers then by all means boycott bullets containing lead based upon ridiculous fears like this.

There are plenty of studies out there about it. If you filter out the PETA nonsense then you'll see the risk from lead is extremely low.