Originally Posted by 700LH
Was fun 40 some years ago, good memories.
Had a almost new 350 HP El Camino, had a job was paying for it, and would get a ride down to the freeway on ramp with a buddy and play hippy.
Catch a flight, then hitch hike home.
Long time ago and far away, now I might pick up a guy that looks like his rig broke, but that is about it.

We meet again, eh?

(My last ride was nearly 40 years ago with some young dude in an El Camino....made me sit in back....he didn't want to share his 2nd-hand weed smoke with me while he tooled down the freeway 20 MPH over the limit. The ride previous to that was from a guy in a big Caddy....driving with his metal crab-hands. And before that some weird gay dude who hitched his pants down after he got the car up to the speed limit and began yanking his crank; he insisted on sucking mine. I had my Opinel primed for turning him into pepperoni if he didn't abbreviate the ride quickly.)

Not a big fan of 'hiking since then.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.