Along the lines of hitchhiking, I saw an attractive but somewhat spacey looking girl in a parking lot the other night at a big shopping center. She was talking loudly on her phone and wandering around like she was lost. I was walking my daughter to my truck, as we were out for dinner together and my first impulse was to ask the girl if she needed help, but something told me that there was something fishy going on. She was too done-up, with skin-tight leggings and a top that barely covered her rear, and at the same time, she looked a kind of tired and worn down. Too worn down for a girl in her mid 20's. Combined with the loud conversation she was having and her obvious wandering and gesturing, it made me think there was a slight chance it was some kind of baited set-up to catch an unsuspecting guy somehow. Perhaps I was paranoid, but it seemed "off".

Now with even more aplomb