Good afternoon to you sir, I hope the weather has warmed up in your part of the world as it has here today. That said, the warm weather did make chasing whitetail on the mountain behind the house a bit too interesting for my eldest daughter and I this morning - a foot of melting snow/ice on off camber skidder roads was a bit more than we'd bargained for. Maybe it'll either melt off or freeze by next weekend.

Anyway barring picking up obviously stranded folks, the last time I picked up a hitch hiker was the summer of 1980.

I was at the wheel of a heavily modified '71 T37 Pontiac - jacked up, bright red, low Mopar style hood scoop, rear spoiler, headers and large diameter exhaust.....

Anyway I was with two female friends from high school and as we passed this chap on the side of Highway 16 in rural Saskatchewan, one of the girls - I want to say the one that's now the principal at the same high school - said something like he looked cute so I should pick him up.

Being as we had nowhere in particular to be, I skidded to a halt about 1/8 mile past this young man, did a tire smoking U-turn in the middle of the highway and then passed him and did another so we were pointing back in the right direction.

He was a few years older than us and paused for a good while when they asked if he wanted a ride. Good call on his part in retrospect wabigoon. wink

If memory serves he was either going to be a teacher or was one already so they girls and he had a lively discussion while I drove him to whichever town he was headed to. Likely at a rate exceeding the posted limit, but keeping it more or less in the correct lanes of travel.

That's it for me as far as I recall wabigoon.

All the best to you as the winter rolls up on us wabigoon.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"